Press Release

OC Truth Act Forum Tomorrow

OC Sheriff Don Barnes fueled by Trump’s racists policies, becomes the Deporter in Chief in the State of California, sent countless to Adelanto Detention Center amid COVID outbreak

What: Press Conference for OC Truth Act Forum

When: Tuesday, December 8th from 9am-9:30am

Location: OC Hall of Administration 333 W Santa Ana Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Santa Ana, Orange County –– For the past two years immigrant rights activists have shown up to the OC Truth Act Forum to seek accountability and transparency from OC Sheriff Don Barnes and for the past two years Don Barnes has evaded accountability and transparency. We call on the OC Board of Supervisors to pass a moratorium on all transfers to ICE amid the pandemic.

This year has been vastly different than others because the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged and changed every facet of life in Orange County and across the country. As we speak, COVID-19 cases are skyrocketing, and the CA Governor has issued a new stay-at-home order to limit the spread of the virus.

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Enforcement Activity

DHS/ICE Presence in Santa Ana Today​​

Earlier this morning we received a call to the OC Rapid Response Network Hotline. There were two armored vehicles (tanks) that came into a Santa Ana neighborhood to make a targeted arrest.

I went to the address to verify if an arrest occurred and can confirm that 1 arrest occurred. Based on photos we confirmed Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) was on the scene including OC Sheriff’s Dept and possibly SWAT. It looks like a joint task force effort. Needless to say, an excessive use of force was detailed. 20 + officers showed up to make the arrest and used weapons with lasers. They demanded the family step out because they had a warrant and if they didn’t they were going to “take other measures” to get in. Doors were broken into, most of the family members were handcuffed excluding a young child and a pregnant woman. The family and neighborhood was terrorized this morning.

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